Want to ensure constant flow of power to support economic growth and development? Develop and maintain a legal and regulatory framework for the power sector encourages investor confidence from licensing…
Want to ensure constant flow of power to support economic growth and development? Develop and maintain a legal and regulatory framework for the power sector encourages investor confidence from licensing…
Dr Lloyd Amoah makes some compelling arguments in his paper titled “Lee Kuan Yew, Deng Xiaoping and Actualizing the Visions of African Independence” on how the neo-elite class can catalyse…
The world certainly mourns when a great man dies. Today, we celebrate the life of one such great leader who did right by and for their people. Lee Kuan Yew,…
In an interesting twist of events, the Ivorian government formally requested the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) for a suspension of oil exploration and production activities…
This is one of the policy initiatives I will vigorously pursue to diversify Ghana’s energy mix, were I to have the chance. All public schools (especially the secondary schools), municipal…
Review by Theo Acheampong Africa today is a continent of almost 1 billion people, and has witnessed a remarkable growth story over the past decade —growth rates have averaged over…
OF PATRIMONIAL CAPITALISM, OLIGARCHY AND A BURGEONING PLUTOCRACY… Fact is, there is rising inequality in a number of countries and something can and must be done. But the question that…
I have come to the firm conclusion that the EPAs which at the macro level which provides 100% duty free and quota free access to EU markets for ECOWAS/ACP countries…
Questions! Questions!! Questions!!! 1. What’s happened to our efforts to bring more inbound diasporan FDIs into the country? 2. Have we lost our competitive edge as the gateway to West…
Happy New Year Everyone! My first post of 2014 was sparked by another on a colleague’s Facebook wall in response to his Ghanaweb Article on Ghana’s trade liberalization policy. I…
As Africa becomes the latest battleground for GMOs, many a one-sided opinion piece led by pro-GMO scientists, companies and lobbies across Africa are driving an agenda to push national lawmakers…
Bill Gates couldn’t be more wrong on this. The tech mogul and billionaire philanthropist in an exclusive interview with the Financial Times says the developing world wants safe drinking water and not internet…
The Ghana Water Company loses nearly half of the water it produces. Its official target for what it calls Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is 46.3 percent. Strangely enough, PURC, the regulator…
This is how vision and strategic planning transformed Aberdeen, a once ‘sleepy’ fishing town into the oil capital of Europe and made many local entrepreneurs who actively participated in the…
ver wondered about the possibility of building a comprehensive and well integrated Rapid Mass Transit System (Metro-System) that is rail based and truly functional in Accra? The Accra Monorail System…